5 Commercial Interior Design Trends To Look For In 2024

commercial interior design space

Revolutionizing Commercial Spaces: The 2024 Design Outlook

In the dynamic world of commercial interior design, the only constant is change. 

Each year brings a fresh wave of ideas and innovations, shaping the way we experience and interact with our commercial spaces. Looking ahead to 2024, it’s not just about keeping pace with trends; it’s about forecasting and embracing them. 

The design of an office space or a business center now encompasses more than just aesthetics. It needs to reflect the evolving thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of those who inhabit these spaces. 

Now, more than ever, it’s essential to tune into these shifts, ensuring that our commercial environments are contemporary and resonate with the people who use them daily.

Commercial Interior Design Trends: What To Expect

1. Sustainable Furniture

As we look back at 2023, one trend stands out for its impact and staying power heading into 2024: sustainable furniture. This trend represents a profound shift in societal values.

Sustainable furniture, crafted from recyclable materials or renewable resources, is both a choice and a statement. It reflects a growing environmental consciousness and a collective commitment to a healthier planet.

Businesses are increasingly aligning with this ethos, recognizing the importance of choosing manufacturers that offer sustainable furniture options. It’s a decision that resonates with their customers and employees alike, showcasing their dedication to sustainability. 

However, the journey toward a more sustainable commercial interior doesn’t stop at furniture. It extends to every element of design, from energy-efficient lighting solutions to flooring and cabinetry made from natural, recycled, or refurbished materials.

Incorporating sustainable furniture and design elements is more than a trend; it’s a testament to a business’s values and vision. By choosing a sustainable path, companies not only enhance their spaces aesthetically but also contribute positively to the environment and society at large. It’s about creating spaces that not only look good but also do good.


2. Integration of Technology

The integration of interactive displays, charging stations, and built-in technological features in furniture is increasingly becoming the norm. These advancements elevate the user experience and improve operational functionality, making them integral to modern commercial design.

However, it’s vital to maintain a balance between technology and human connection. Despite the growing reliance on digital interfaces, ensuring that these advancements do not overshadow human interaction and service remains key. The aim is to create environments that are both tech-enabled and human-centered, where technology enhances rather than replaces the personal touch.

The strategy for incorporating technology involves several key elements. Interactive displays are used not just for aesthetic appeal but as dynamic tools for engagement and information sharing. 

Charging stations and furniture with integrated technology are strategically placed to provide seamless connectivity without disrupting the flow of human interaction. 

The overarching goal is to ensure that technology serves as an enhancement to the space, complementing the human experience and maintaining the warmth and personal interaction that are essential in commercial environments.

3. Wellness

This evolution to human-centered principles is evident as designers place greater emphasis on the needs and preferences of end-users across various settings, from waiting rooms to office lobbies and workspaces. This approach is transforming commercial spaces from mere functional areas to nurturing environments that foster well-being and comfort.

Central to this transformation is the emphasis on wellness, which now guides every facet of the design process, especially in commercial office spaces.

Recognizing that productivity and comfort are intertwined, the goal is to create spaces that not only meet practical requirements but also cater to the well-being of users. This wellness-centric design approach encompasses several key elements:

These spaces are designed to resonate with the users’ needs, providing an ambiance that promotes efficiency and comfort in equal measure. For further insights into this approach, particularly in the context of hybrid office spaces, readers are encouraged to explore more on designing a hybrid office space.

4. Outdoor Spaces

The appeal of outdoor spaces in commercial settings has been on a remarkable rise since 2020, and this trend is expected to continue into 2024. 

These spaces offer a welcome departure from the confines of traditional indoor environments, bringing a breath of fresh air to commercial design. Far from being mere additions, outdoor areas have become integral components of many commercial properties, offering unique experiences that indoor settings cannot match.

The versatility of outdoor spaces opens up creative possibilities in commercial outdoor furniture design. This is particularly evident in the commercial food industry, where a diverse range of outdoor seating options — from sophisticated tables to more laid-back, casual lounging spaces — significantly enhances the dining experience. These outdoor areas allow for a dynamic interplay of design elements that can transform a simple meal into a memorable experience.

To effectively implement this concept, a variety of implementation ideas can be adopted:

These strategies not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of commercial spaces but also add functional value, making outdoor areas indispensable in modern commercial design.

5. Use of Colors and Mixed Materials

The concept of minimalism in commercial design is undergoing an intriguing evolution. While the core principles of a clean and uncluttered aesthetic remain, there’s a fresh dynamism in the form of color bursts and a diverse mix of materials. This new wave of minimalism brings depth and character to spaces, offering a contemporary twist to the traditional minimalist approach.

This evolving trend opens up exciting avenues for expressive branding. Businesses can now more vividly convey their brand identity through their interior spaces. Strategic use of color accents and contrasting materials can act as visual embodiments of a company’s personality and values, offering a subtle yet impactful way to communicate with clients and employees.

Implementing this refreshed minimalist approach involves several key strategies:

These design strategies represent a thoughtful and intentional approach to commercial interior design. Every element is meticulously chosen to create environments that are not just visually appealing but also deeply resonant with the business’s ethos and identity.

Commercial Design with Thentic 

Tailoring Tomorrow: Thentic’s Approach to Future-Forward Commercial Design


Partnering with Visionaries: Thentic collaborates closely with innovative interior designers, finding the perfect commercial furniture for diverse spaces.  perfect furniture solutions for diverse commercial spaces. This partnership is rooted in a shared vision of creating environments that are not just functional but also inspire and invigorate.


Staying Ahead of Trends: Thentic prides itself on being at the forefront of evolving design trends. This forward-thinking approach ensures that every space they touch is a harmonious blend of contemporary style and practicality, mirroring the evolving needs and desires of those who will inhabit these spaces.


Reflecting Needs and Desires: Thentic’s design philosophy centers around creating spaces that resonate deeply with people’s needs and aspirations. This involves a meticulous process of understanding and integrating what users of the space truly seek, whether it’s comfort, functionality, innovation, or a combination of these elements.


Sustainability as a Standard: In every project, Thentic prioritizes sustainability, recognizing it as a cornerstone of modern design. They champion the use of eco-friendly materials and practices, ensuring that the commercial spaces they design are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally responsible and sustainable for years to come.


Adaptable and Enduring Designs: Thentic’s approach goes beyond temporary trends to create spaces that are adaptable and enduring. This commitment to longevity in design means investing in quality and timelessness, ensuring that the spaces remain relevant and functional long into the future.


In every endeavor, Thentic blends practicality with imagination, creating commercial spaces that are not just a backdrop but a dynamic and integral part of the business’s story and success.